Instructor Work
See more of my work on my SHOP page

Priscilla knows there’s plenty to do, but taking a pause in her day helps her to be more.
‘Pieces of my heart’. I created this piece from the string art project - which you can see under the More Creations page. It takes courage and vulnerability to share your heart once it’s been broken, but love is meant to be shared and received...and these two are ready for the new journey...together!
SOLD to a wonderful couple!

Melody is the tree hugger, the peace maker, the meditator, the nature lover!
Maggie is confident and knows what she wants in life. A bit daring but innocent as well. Stepping forward in her life, never looking back!

‘First Kiss’ ....young, vulnerable, innocent...

This is Emerly and she is elegant, poised, and pretty in pink! Her skirt is made of clay made with Paverpol products. Was a fun adventure making it into a skirt!

Dusty has made so many children happy and excited over the years, and while he’s well travelled, and a bit battered, he has so many more giggles to share!
Zola was made as my final requirement for my Teacher Certification. It is transparent Paverpol with color and I used Stockinette. Zola means peaceful, which is how she makes me feel! Not for sale at this time.

This is Tatiana! A bronze beauty who loves shiny pretty things!
I made her to display at a local Greenhouse/Nursery and she sold in no time!
Meet Sherry! She loves everything Nature, including ladybugs!
I made her to display at a local Greenhouse/Nursery and she sold in no time!

Moe is my first blue heron and he's a big guy! Measuring in at over 4'3"!
Joni is a free spirited girl, dancing to her own music and knows no fear. This is one of my favourite pieces, to date...and is available at the Water Tower Gallery in Glaslyn, SK!

Shelby is a country girl at heart, with her denim, lace and gold hoop earrings! Love her curls. Available at the Water Tower Gallery in Glaslyn, SK!
Araba is 31 inches of grace, elegance and poise. A beauty in a house OR in a flower garden! SOLD to a beautiful lady for her home!

Cora is a piece I created for our family reunion silent auction. Each year we hold an auction and donate the proceeds to an organization or a family member who may need it. This year, 2018, we donated the proceeds to the Ronald Macdonald House in memory of my sweet 2 year old cousin, Eva, who sadly made her trip to heaven in the spring of this year. Cora is also the name of my grandmother and the reason we have so many relatives at our reunions! She had 12 children!
I saw this piece of driftwood on our summer holiday 2018 and knew I needed to create with it. The result is Kama, my yoga girl. She's about 20 inches tall. And I love her so much, I decided to keep her!

Blanche is also named for my Grandma. She’s young at heart. Age is just a number and a girl never tells her secrets! Yes, her hair is naturally red...haha 😉 She doesn’t care what anyone thinks of her. Just living and loving life! May we all have a little Blanche in us! Blanche may be headed for some fun adventures...stay tuned!
Branda is the name of this angel I created for the BTEC Mardi Gras fundraiser. They raised almost $25000 for their BTEC organization and they donated half to our local Humane Society!

Meet Juliette...named after a special lady who loved plants, family, decorating for Christmas...and cursing..🙊😘.
Celebrating in heaven this year...😇..probably bossing God around..
Knaz, the most handsome gnome! He is also a project for one of my classes!

Jenara...meaning new beginnings, transitions, opening gates, possibilities...and celebrating the transition into winter as she dances in the snow.
Annabelle was such a delight to create!
As she blossomed, she just grabbed hold of my inner girlie.
Annabelle means grace and beauty.
Which she sure is!

And here is the stone sculpture, Juno!
In Roman mythology Juno was the wife of Jupiter and the queen of the heavens. She was the protectress of marriage and women, and was also the goddess of finance.
Magic Below...
So many times we judge on what we see on the surface, without really taking time to go beyond what we never know when there might be a message for you, an opportunity, or an adventure waiting for you!
It's a mixed media of Paverpol on canvas!

Here is Starla!!
As her name states, she is a star and she knows it!
Oooh lala....Lots of bling, lots of confidence and she loves her picture being taken.
Starla is 19" tall and She is not one to placed outside due to the nature of her materials.